Having differentiated technology and experienced management, Entigral is ideally positioned to participate in the growth of the manufacturing execution systems (MES) and advanced sensor technologies markets. We welcome inquiries from interested investors, angels, business development professionals and partners. The ideal investment partner should match the following:
Understand Smart Manufacturing
The future of manufacturing in the US is bright and those that understand the opportunities for smart manufacturing automation will be able to help the Entigral management team meet the growth challenges in bringing world class software to this market.
Bring Technology Acumen
Investors who understand how a software technology can support a larger enterprise application will intuitively understand the value of our TraxWare® platform.
Understand Advanced Sensor Technology
The future will see the new “internet of things” and the edge components will be all manner of sensors. The management of sensors is what TraxWare and Entigral Systems is all about. Understanding this vision will facilitate opportunities for market expansion.
Build a Partnership
The success of Entigral, in technology development, in market positioning and in revenue growth affords the management team the comfort of accepting support from those that will bring added value as partners to the growth of the company.